Coreless Wrap

CorelessWrap™ is ultimately designed to fulfill the GREEN Concept. It will greatly reduce wastage and help to protect our environment. Coreless Stretch Film can achieve sustainable growth leading to this business opportunity. No Waste Management Cost. Users do not need to worry on their disposal core needs. GT-MAX is proud to introduce our very own designed and patented “Coreless Dispenser”. This Dispenser is use to apply in the coreless stretch film.

SKU: 1aab11344825 Category:


CorelessWrap® Series

CorelessWrap® (Max+)

• Coreless pre-stretch film.
• Save money, save space.
• No waste, no management cost.
• Lighter & faster wrapping speed.
• Reduces packaging material consumption.

CorelessWrap® (Cold)

• Coreless hand roll with cold formula.
• Perform well in cold storage application.
• High load retention under negative °C.
• Available in premium grade (Strong & Strong+).

CorelessWrap® (Mini)

• Coreless mini roll/ bundling wrap.
• It suitable to bundles irregular shaped item.
• Protect from scratch, dirt, dust, moisture, etc.
• Handy in almost everywhere & workplace.